Red Hat® AAP 1.2 (Ansible Tower 3.8) Support Life Cycle Reminder
The support life cycle for Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform 1.2 (Ansible Tower 3.8) ends September 29, 2023 per the posted life cycle policy. To avoid potential maintenance, bug, and security complications, customers will need to migrate to the latest version of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 before September 29, 2023. We encourage you to continue your migration from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 to Ansible Automation Platform 2 to avoid potential maintenance, bug, and security complications.
To support your migration, Red Hat are offering the following resources. You can attend the virtual town hall on May 4 for Ansible customers to ask migration questions and hear about recommendations for a successful migration. Red Hat are also providing a customer chat platform to ask migration-specific questions. If you need technical assistance, please contact Red Hat Technical Support.
As an Advanced Red Hat Partner, DeployPartners are equipped to support your organisation’s Red Hat investments. If any upgrades are needed, please contact DeployPartners Support Team via email: